Frequently Asked Questions about EV Cosmos an EV Cosmos Plus Products


Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs EV Cosmos+ App

If you have any specific queries please connect with us on WhatsApp. Following are some general Faqs related to EV Cosmos Plus Products.

Add amount in your wallet by click on “+” sign in home tab.
Payment for charging sessions happens through the pre-paid mechanism. You can make payment by using UPI, wallet, Debit card, credit card etc.
In Home Tab click on Balance option, here you will get all the reload details and your wallet balance details etc.
Yes, just contact customer support. Call or WhatsApp +91 99810 32747
After downloading the app and registration you can start charging:

By Mobile Application - Just scan QR Code as shown on the charger screen or on the sticker near the screen

By RFID Card - You can also start charging by tapping the card if you have it. For getting a dedicated RFID Card please contact our customer support team.

Kindly contact EV COSMOS customer support number +91 99810 32747 or mail at
Users can update their profile by clicking on “Profile” option. User can edit their details inside the “Edit profile”.
Yes, a working internet connection is required while the user is utilizing the EV COSMOS Plus app for charging the vehicle.
I love EV COSMOS charging station for my electric car. !

"It is very convenient to find a nearby charger using their app, and the charging speed is amazing. The price is also very reasonable and transparent, and I can pay online without any hassle. The customer service is friendly and helpful, and they always resolve any issues quickly. EV COSMOS is the best EV charging solution in India, and I would recommend it to anyone who owns an electric car."

EV COSMOS charging station is a great service for EV owners. !

"I have been using it for six months and I am very happy with it. The app is user-friendly and shows me all the information I need, such as the location, availability, and cost of the chargers. The charging stations are well-maintained and secure, and the charging process is smooth and fast. The customer support is also excellent and responsive. EV COSMOS is a reliable and affordable EV charging solution, and I highly appreciate it."

Frequently Asked questions

FAQs EV Cosmos App

If you have any specific queries please connect with us on WhatsApp. Following are some general Faqs related to EV Cosmos App.

Add amount in your wallet by click on topup option..
Payment for charging sessions happens through the pre-paid mechanism. You can make payment by using UPI, wallet, Debit card, credit card etc..
In Home Tab click on Balance option, here you will get all the reload details and your wallet balance details also.
Yes, just contact customer support. Call or WhatsApp +91 99810 32747
After downloading the app and registration, just click on charger and enter charger pin showing in charger screen or just scan QR Code. You can also start charging by EV Cosmos RFID card.
Kindly contact EV COSMOS customer support number or mail at
Users can update their profile by clicking on Menu Button and then clicking on “Edit Profile” option.
Yes, a working internet connection is required while the user is utilizing the EV COSMOS app for charging the vehicle.